Swimming Pool Treatment

Início Swimming Pool Treatment
how does chlorine pool cleaning work

How does chlorine pool cleaning work

Although we can already count on the disinfection of swimming pools with UV rays, with the disinfection through ozone, with ionizers and salt generators,...
The pool chemistry

Pool chemistry

When it comes to cleaning pool water, the filtration system is responsible for the hardest job, but it is up to the chemical treatment...
Learn how ozone pool treatment works

Learn how ozone pool treatment works

Swimming pools are a consumer dream in homes and the main attraction in clubs and condominiums.However, these beauties can cause problems due to the...

Coronavirus in the pool. Can you catch it? Does it spread? Is it possible...

The world is experiencing an unusual situation today with the emergence of this new coronavirus. Everyone talks about it, health experts give various recommendations...
The Importance of Controlling Pool Alkalinity

The Importance of Controlling Pool Alkalinity

Another term that is frequently heard when it comes to pool treatment is "alkalinity."As our specialty is the pool industry, we've already talked extensively...

Ultraviolet for pool treatment

The use of ultraviolet light for water disinfection is not new. In fact, in the 1990s, UV rays were already being tested as a...

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